Natua Fruit & Nut Balls

Brand Identity & Packaging


Our client, an entrepreneurial chef in London approached The Brand Nursery to help name and launch his new product Natua! Fruit and Nut Balls. Having identified a growing move towards more functional snacking the client tapped into the idea of ‘snackification’ a trend whereby consumers are increasingly eating smaller meals, rather than the established three larger meals throughout the day. The fruit and nut balls sit perfectly within this notional idea and are a quick fix as well as being a healthier snack ideal for gym goers, busy professionals, and families on the go.

For the project we undertook name generation work and initial trademark searches to secure the name Natua! for the brand. We then devised an identity structure and packaging range for pre-sale to customers and then onto launch. The name generation was critical for the brand as the product itself contains no additives or preservatives and is a healthy, alternative to some of the competition in this busy category that can often be loaded with preservatives to extend shelf life.

The off-beat and brightly coloured in house created illustrations for the all five flavours creates an ‘instantly interesting’ convention for the brand which was vital so that it is seen on shelf especially when the consumer has abundant choice in the category. The combination and relevance of the name and the overall visual identity clearly sets this apart from some of the usual ‘on the go’ snacks so look out for some next time ‘snackification’ hits you…