The challenge.
Dutch baker Van der Meulen wanted to explore the potential to develop their range of Melba Toast products in the UK. They had a presence in most supermarkets, but the sector has had little investment or innovation in recent years.
Our thinking.
We suggested a tailored qualitative research study to explore how, why and when UK consumers currently use these products. But we also wanted to inject some stimulus – both ideas and products – into the research to provoke discussion and to enable respondents to consider ‘what might be’; new ways in which Melba Toast could be used and enjoyed.
The sector has seen little investment or innovation in recent years.
Our response.
We conducted a series of focus group discussions within which a range of packaging ideas and product formats were introduced and explored.
We provided respondents with a selection of further new products (more than could have been properly evaluated within the group sessions) to enjoy with friends and family within their own homes.
Perceptions of product taste, quality and appeal, together with price expectations, likelihood of purchase and flavour preferences were then obtained via an online feedback forum, complementing and building on the focus group findings.
Our research identified clear direction on how to make the range more contemporary and appealing.
The result.
Fresh learning on the potential role and usage of the brands products, and identification of key barriers to overcome.
Clear direction on how to make the range more contemporary and appealing – brighter presentation and language that opened up much wider potential usage occasions.
Identification of the innovation concepts that held the greatest potential for successful launch in the UK – embracing new shapes, sizes and flavours.